
studiomuccioli en services 014
Administrative and accounting advice
The Firm provides accounting advice in San Marino, handles companies’ accounts and takes charge of the administrative management of the related procedures, relationships with competent offices, analysis of yearly and mid-year data analysis, balance sheet drafting advice and integrative notes.
Labour advice
The Firm specializes in the creation of pay slips, establishment of relationships with social security bodies, communication of recruitments and termination of working relationships to any liable Office. We also deal with corporate advice and assistance concerning labor-related issues and personnel management and we assist and advice on procedures relating to secondment and collective redundancies besides managing cassa integrazione (layoff). Our services also include a cost analysis regarding any type of recruitment and assistance in the choice of the most convenient hiring options by assessing all the incentive forms provided for by law, besides handling secondment operations and the related procedures whenever employees have to transfer abroad. Finally, we also update our clients on the main legislative and regulatory news via periodical newsletters.
Fiscal and tax advice
The Firm, through fiscal and tax-related advice, assists clients in the drafting and presentation of any Legal obligation and in the relationships with the financial administration. The Firm also helps clients ascertain tax disputes and manage them at all stages. Moreover, it provides advice regarding the application of existing regulations against double taxation.
Legal advice
The Firm avails itself of professionals, Attorneys and Notaries able to assist clients in the incorporation of a new legal entity or in the provision of legal advice within several fields. It also provides assistance for requesting and obtaining tax residency status.
Corporate advice
We offer advice and analysis to find out the best suited methods of designing an entrepreneurial project through seeking the most indicated incentive forms provided for by law.
studiomuccioli en services 014
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